Legals Mentions


The website is edited by the association BETTER WITH WATER whose head office is :

Better with water
68 rue de Coulmiers

Tél. : + 33 (0) 2 49 44 42 55

Director of publication

Philippe de Roux, CEO.

Site creator

Agency 32 Décembre – Contact :


OVH SAS – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1

Rights to data protection and modification.

The data collected on the forms on BETTER WITH WATER website are recorded in a file by BETTER WITH WATER. They are intended for our donor relations department, for internal management purposes, to send your tax receipt, to answer your requests, send you our newsletter and appeal to your generosity

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and European regulations, you may object to their use and file a complaint with the CNIL.

You have a right of access to your data for their rectification, limitation, portability or deletion on simple request by mail to BETTER WITH WATER :

Intellectual property

The website is protected by French intellectual property laws, and in particular by the clauses regarding artistic and literary property rights, author’s copyright and database protection.

These rights are the exclusive property of BETTER WITH WATER. According to the terms of article L.122-5 of French intellectual property law, copies or reproductions of any part of this website are strictly limited to the copyist’s private use and not for public use. Any short quotes or analyses from this website may only be used as examples or illustrations.

Moreover, article L.342-3 of French intellectual property law permits only the extraction or reuse of a non-substantial part of the content of a database which is made available to the public by its proprietor. Therefore, any form of unauthorized reproduction of BETTER WITH WATER’s websites is strictly prohibited and subject to prosecution.

Anyone who violates these rules exposes himself to civil and criminal penalties, as stipulated by articles L.335-2 and L.343-1 of French intellectual property law.

Photo credits

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on the site are the property of BETTER WITH WATER or their authors.

Links of this website

Although we take a lot of care in selecting the links we suggest to other websites on the internet, BETTER WITH WATER cannot be held responsible for the content on these websites.